Puget Sound Table Tennis League Play Week 9 SF 2011

Here’s some more league play from Puget Sound Table Tennis Club Week 9 Summer/Fall 2011

Week 9 League Results Summer/Fall 2011

Hey everyone!

Well tonight is league again and man it feels like it’s been longer than normal since last time we played… Wait, that’s right, lol we were closed. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone tonight again. I’m sure I’m not the only person that is feeling a little out of shape.

Just one thing before the results, Gary had commented on the blog post (which is GREAT! The more participation we have online the better for our visibility on Google). Anyways, Gary had pointed out that the score sheets for week 8 were contradicting each other. My apologies for sending out screen shots of the spreadsheet. As you know, my scanner was broken that week and I still wanted to be able to show all the won/loss matches. Joe’s spreadsheet shows formulas and numbers that work into the total calculations. I didn’t look before I sent them and they are very confusing. Anyways, not to worry, all the numbers are correct and everything is just fine. I’ll make sure not to send screen shots of other data again.

Here are the results for week 9 Summer/Fall 2011 Table Tennis League PSTTC…

GREAT JOB Marty Grogan and Joseph Calugas! They both went 4 and 0 in week 9

Just a reminder… League tonight (Every Tuesday Night) We can arrive as early as 6pm. There has been some confusion over this but I had it confirmed and it is 6pm. Please make sure that if you’re going to play that you come at 7 by the latest or that you have called or text messaged either myself or Joseph Calugas to let us know. We have to get league started by 7:15 in order to get everyone’s matches completed before 9:30.

See you tonight!